Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation

Full name: Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation

Short name: Minsport of Russia

Address: 105064, Moscow, Kazakova Str., 18

Official web-site:

Contact center of the Ministry

Phone number: 8 495 720-53-80

Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation (Minsport of Russia ) is a federal executive authority, which performs activities on formulation and implementation of State policy and legal and regulatory in the field of physical training and sports, as well as provision of public services ( including prevention of doping in sports and fight against it) and public finance management in the field of physical training and sports.

The Ministry in its operations is governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, national constitutional laws, national laws, Russian Federation presidential memorandums and memorandums of Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a signatory, as well as the present Regulation.

The Ministry conducts its activities by itself and via its subordinate organizations in co-operation with other federal authorities, state executive branches of the Russian Federation, self-governing authorities, non-governmental organizations and other organizations.